Friday 2 January 2015

Final Images and Editing

Here are thew final images from my shoot of people in their environment and an analysis of how I shot the images, how I related them to my brief and how I stuck to the propositions i made.These images are the final images I chose to use within my work because they are the strongest images in my opinion, an evaluation of the images is HERE.

I will show how I edited the images on this post with before and after displays.

The first image in this collection is of an elderly man standing waiting for a bus with a slightly confused expression on his face!

The composition of the original image followed the rule of thirds but with the subjects face just left of an intersecting point, this is one reason for a crop, I took the image with a 70-200 f/4 lens because I wanted some high quality BOKEH!

I chose this image out of the collection because I thought with a bit of a Photoshop makeover, it could work. I firstly cropped the original image as I thought the cars were a distracting element, then i turned the image black and white as I think it suits the simple composition of the image.

After I changed it to black and white, I played with the levels to crate the punchy, high contrasty, grainy look of film due to the subjects age.


The second image here is of a street performer in the city center of York at lunch time, this is his place of work in the cold temperature of the cloudless December lunch time yet somehow warm feel to York's center. He performs constantly and although you cant see it, there were people surrounding him as he played. If i were to shoot this again, I would include some people giving him money as I think that would add to the atmosphere, rather than the loneliness portrayed within the composition of the image with the negative space.

The way I chose to edit this was with the intention of softening the mood a bit. Therefore I chose to use a Gaussian blur and increase the colour temperature.