Wednesday 13 November 2013


Keeping your images to themes.

When going out and photographing something, you really need a theme to concentrate on or base your images around loosely. If you do not do this then your images, however good, may not be organised and all over the place. Your images want to be in sequence, thats where they're happiest!

If you take a look at other artists they have portfolios or books of different themes such as Lee Friedlander with his book "America by car" and Robert Frank with his book "The Americans" these artists have a series of images which are compiled into books or portfolios.

My ideas

In my imagery I want to focus very loosely on some themes within my imagery because I think that they give a good perspective to them.

Most of my imagery will consist of street photography but i will have different themes within this. My main theme will focus on the urban environment its self and the sub themes will be;

  • Architecture- I will take images of buildings from a low perspective as if I am looking upwards, this will separate the buildings from the busy street life, I will take the images in RAW as most occasions the dynamic range will be too low and the sky will be blown out and I will have to recover this in Photoshop.

  • Reflections- A bit like Lee Friedlander I will take images of reflections of puddles, polished surfaces, windows etc. These give a different perspective than an image taken straight on. I could also use double exposures as a form of reflection because they give a similar effect.

  • People and their environment- This sub series will focus on people within cities and urban areas and how they interact with others and their environment. This will include people going to work and in their everyday life.

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