Wednesday 13 November 2013

Mood boards and Mindmaps?

Does "Photographers block" have you procrastinating your photography? Not knowing what to photograph is one of the biggest pains when it comes to photography, you have a shiny new lens or camera and you're stuck at home bored out of your mind, all you want to o is get out there and take photos but... YOU SIMPLY CANT!! 

Having no idea what to photograph brings on a horde of excuses such as "Its raining" or "the weathers shit" when really that's all they are, excuses.

A mind map is very commonly used to generate tons of ideas for anything really, they have been around for hundreds of years. Firstly think of one word you would like to photograph as a subject such as "reflections" and then branch off sub categories like "windows" and "puddles." these will get you thinking about different ways to shoot the different sub categories.

The next idea which is more related to photography. A mood board is a great way to generate ideas relating to photographs themselves. You take a bunch of images from the subject you would like to photograph and put them in a montage of images which you like and would like to replicate in your own style, here is my example.

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